Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What is this?!

So currently, I am dealing with this crazy event in which I tried to take over a class from an inexperienced, unorganized, non-direct-communicative instructor.  Well, there's a lot of backlash from this, obviously.  And the story is still unfolding.

Several students have spoken with the Dean, and rightly so, though nothing has been done about it.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  You would think with the high caliber of a school that Purdue is, something would be done to make this classroom better for the students.  No action has been taken yet to ensure a proper education for these students.

If nothing's done soon, I'm going to have to take more drastic action than trying to play instructor.


  1. Have I ever told you that when I grow up I want to be a Bitsy?

  2. Way to go Bitsy!!!
    Thanks for rocking my comments this week! Check it out at Friendly Friday!

  3. I like your blog. I found it on Calamity Kate's Kitchen and since I started reading I almost couldn't stop. So I'll follow along if you don't mind.

  4. Hi! I named your blog as one of my "blog picks" to receive the "Versatile Blogger Award". It was sent to me by Snippets of Thyme this week. I have the info posted on today's blog. Have fun!
